Create Something Now

Create Something Now

You are an artist, writer, or musician searching for inspiration. You are in your garage, studio, or bedroom and are ready to create your next piece. Everyone has their moments when everything is just right: the lighting is perfect, the words are spilling onto the...
The Music Landing – September 2017

The Music Landing – September 2017

There are some solid and highly anticipated albums landing this month. Hopefully, they meet the hype. Cloud Control Zone – September 1, 2017 From the Blue Mountains near Sydney, Australia this alternative rock trio is releasing their third studio album. The...
Worldwide Reception!

Worldwide Reception!

Exciting news for our friends from Pickering! Since the debut album re-release of “Between Here and There,” people have been taking notice of the brilliant sound the Red Chevrons have to offer. Currently listing with over 100 monthly listeners in top...