SMRI Productions always has an open ear. Whether you’re a content creator in need of a platform, a consumer with feedback and/or ideas for consideration, or would like to send us an EPK for Label representation.


SMRI Productions

Furthermore, we want to hear your thoughts and ideas about us, our direction, and engagement.

Please use one of the appropriate email addresses below to be in direct contact, or use our general contact form regarding any information.



We strive to be at the intersection of creativity and technology, and as such, we have a broad scope of opportunities. We are always looking to work with the best talents within their micro industry.

Currently, we can only offer internship positions. This can be an excellent opportunity for upcoming students in school looking to build upon their portfolio’s. Be in touch!

We offer you a platform to voice your thoughts and ideas, publish your work, build your portfolio, and simply share your passions with others.











Be in touch!